Elizabeth Holmes Post Sentencing Analysis

On Friday, 11/18/22, a federal judge sentenced Elizabeth Holmes to over eleven years in prison. Ms. Holmes was convicted after trial of a “fake it ’till you make it” fraud involving her company Theranos, and the revolutionary blood testing technology dream machine that was not to be. There are many lessons we can learn from

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DAY 51

FCI-Lompoc is in the midst of a crisis, which begs the question what other facilities may be experiencing the same. Without data indicating the number of tests being administered by facility–including privately operated ones–no one knows. On Day 51 of its outbreak, the BOP still has nearly twice the number of confirmed infections as the

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It is now DAY 50 of the outbreak in BOP facilities. For the second day in a row, the number of infected inmates is exploding, driven almost exclusively by FCI-Lompoc. Apparently, a second inmate has died at the USP-Lompoc, but the BOP is not reporting it. In fact, the BOP no longer is reporting the

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These four charts provide a visualization of the spread of the coronavirus within BOP facilities based on the latest available data published by the BOP and other sources as of 8:30 EDT, Tuesday, May 5, 2020. These charts also provide some important comparisons to contextualize the growth of the virus within the BOP. The first

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Latest BOP COVID-19 Statistics

Based on data from Johns Hopkins University, Worldometer.info, and the BOP, the United States has the highest rate of infection of any major country on earth at 275.49 infected per 100,000 population. If, however, the BOP were a country, it would have over 2.5 times the rate of infection as the U.S. at 792.61 per

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