On April 15, 2016, following last year’s important
amendments to relevant conduct, mitigating role, and
fraud guidelines, the U.S. Sentencing Commission voted to
continue to make fundamental fixes to the U.S. Sentencing
Guidelines (USSG) that have long been in need of repair. These
fixes became final on November 1, 2016
During this amendment cycle, with respect to matters most
pertinent to the white collar practitioner, the Commission addressed
needed reform expanding the invocation of compassionate release
for elderly and/or seriously ill inmates, addressed a circuit split
regarding the sentencing of child pornography offenders who
use peer-to-peer software to commit their offenses, and modified
conditions of probation and supervised release. While this article
focuses on these proposed amendments, the authors note that
the Commission also passed important amendments regarding
sentencing for animal fighting offenses in light of new legislation
and amended the guidelines for alien smuggling. The Commission
finally undertook a wholesale
Compassionate Release
A sentencing court, “upon motion of the Director of the Bureau
of Prisons,” may reduce an inmate’s sentence where it finds that (ii) the defendant is at least 70 years of age, has served
at least 30 years in prison, pursuant to a sentence imposed
under section 3559(c), for the offense or offenses for
which the defendant is currently imprisoned, and a
determination has been made by the Director of the
Bureau of Prisons that the defendant is not a danger
to the safety of any other person or the community,
as provided under section 3142(g); and that such
a reduction is consistent with applicable policy
statements issued by the Sentencing Commission.
This provision commonly is referred to as “compassionate
release.” USSG section 1B1.13 sets forth the Commission’s
policy on compassionate release. On the heels of two
Department of Justice reports and a public hearing, the
Commission found it necessary to “broaden the criteria for
eligibility, to add guidance to the medical criteria, and to
remove other administrative hurdles that limit the availability
of compassionate release for otherwise eligible defendants.”
(U.S. Sentencing Comm’n, Amendments to the Sentencing
Guidelines, Policy Statements, and Official Commentary 4
(2016), [hereinafter 2016 Amendments], available at http://
Accordingly, the Commission revised the application notes
of USSG section 1B1.13 to provide, first, that “extraordinary
and compelling reasons” encompass medical conditions.
Specifically, extraordinary and compelling reasons for
compassionate release exist where a defendant is suffering
from a terminal illness that is “a serious and advanced illness
with an end of life trajectory[]. A specific prognosis of life
expectancy . . . is not required. Examples include metastatic
solid-tumor cancer, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), endstage
organ diseases, and advanced dementia.” (Id. at 2.) This
amendment thus removes the prognosis of an 18-month life
expectancy now contained in the Bureau of Prisons’ program
statement because “it is extremely difficult to determine
death within a specific time period” and “requiring a specific
prognosis . . . is unnecessarily restrictive both in terms of
the administrative review and the scope of eligibility for
compassionate release applications.” (Id. at 5.)
Second, the Commission removed the requirement that
the defendant be suffering from a “permanent” physical or
medical condition, or one “for which conventional treatment
promises no substantial improvement.” Instead, extraordinary
and compelling reasons now exist where an inmate is suffering
from a “serious,” but not necessarily permanent, physical
or medical condition, include “suffering from a serious
functional or cognitive impairment,” and still encompass
“experiencing deteriorating physical or mental health because
of the aging process.” (Id. at 2.) Finally, these conditions need
only be conditions “from which [the inmate] is not expected
to recover.” (Id.)
Third, the Commission added a consideration for the age
of the defendant. If the defendant is at least 65 years old, is
“experiencing a serious deterioration in physical or mental
health because of the aging process,” and “has served at least 10 years or 75 percent of his or her term of imprisonment,
whichever is less,” the defendant should be considered for
compassionate release. This amendment considerably relaxes
the current requirement at 18 U.S.C. § 3582(c)(1)(A)(ii) that a
defendant be at least 70 years old and have served “at least 30
years in prison” in order to qualify for compassionate release.
While the amendment “adds a limitation that the defendant
must be experiencing seriously deteriorating health because
of the aging process,” the Commission nonetheless “expects
that the broadening of the medical conditions categories . . .
will lead to increased eligibility for inmates who suffer from
certain conditions or impairments, and who experience a
diminished ability to provide self-care in prison, regardless
of their age.” (2016 Amendments, supra, at 5.)
Fourth, the Commission expanded the family circumstances
scenario to include the death or incapacitation of the
“caregiver” of the defendant’s minor child or children, where
formerly the circumstance was limited to an actual family
member who cared for the children. (Id. at 2.) The Commission
also added to family circumstances the “incapacitation of the
defendant’s spouse or registered partner when the defendant
would be the only available caregiver” for that person. (Id.)
The Commission left in the statement that the director of the
Bureau of Prisons may find extraordinary and compelling
circumstances that otherwise were not listed in the amended
application note.
Fifth, the Commission added as application note 2 that
“an extraordinary and compelling reason need not have been
unforeseen at the time of the sentencing in order to warrant
a reduction in the term of imprisonment” for compassionate
release. (Id.) Indeed, “the fact that an extraordinary and
compelling reason reasonably could have been known
or anticipated by the sentencing court does not preclude
consideration for a reduction under this policy statement.”
(Id. at 2–3.)
Finally, the Commission added at application note 4 that
it “encourages the Director of the Bureau of Prisons to file
such a motion if the defendant meets any of the circumstances
set forth in Application Note 1.” The Commission added
this specific, permanent note of encouragement (albeit
nonbinding) to the director inasmuch as it had found that there
were “inefficiencies that exist within the Bureau of Prisons’
administrative review of compassionate release applications,
which can delay or deny release, even in cases where the
applicant appears to meet the criteria for eligibility.” (Id. at 6.)
The Commission resolved a circuit split between the Fifth
and Ninth Circuits and the Fourth Circuit regarding whether,
in cases applying the two-level enhancement for depictions
of sadistic or masochistic conduct, the two-level vulnerable
victim enhancement also could be applied. Additionally,
the Commission resolved a circuit split regarding whether
an enhancement for distribution requires a finding that the
defendant knowingly used peer-to-peer file-sharing software
during the offense of conviction.
The vulnerable victim enhancement now includes an age-related component In United States v. Jenkins, 712 F.3d
209, 214 (5th Cir. 2013), and United States v. Wright, 373
F.3d 935, 943 (9th Cir. 2004), the Fifth and Ninth Circuits
held it is permissible to apply both the two-level enhancement
for portrayals of sadistic or masochistic conduct (USSG
§§ 2G2.1(b)(4), 2G2.2(b)(4)) and the two-level vulnerable
victim enhancement (USSG § 3A1.1(b)(1)), which applies
where a victim “is unusually vulnerable due to age.” These
circuits reasoned that certain graphic depictions of the
extremely young, i.e., infants and toddlers, constituted sadistic
content per se. Furthermore, due to the victims’ extreme youth,
they necessarily were especially vulnerable. Accordingly, both
enhancements could be applied simultaneously inasmuch as
they arguably captured distinct facets of harm.
The Fourth Circuit disagreed and held that if the sadistic or
masochistic enhancement applies, then the vulnerable victim
enhancement cannot. (See United States v. Dowell, 771 F.3d
162, 175 (4th Cir. 2014).) The Fourth Circuit reasoned that if
the extreme youth of a victim is a consideration for applying
the sadistic or masochistic enhancement, then age cannot
also serve as a basis for application of the vulnerable victim
enhancement. (Id.)
The Commission resolved the split by amending the sadistic
or masochistic enhancement to expressly include an “infant
or toddler” provision. Thus, the enhancements at sections
2G2.1(b)(4) and 2G2.2(b)(4) now read: “If the offense
involved material that portrays (A) sadistic or masochistic
conduct or other depictions of violence; or (B) an infant or
toddler, increase by 4 levels” (emphasis added). Furthermore,
a new application note 4 for both guidelines now expressly
provides: “If subsection (b)(4)(B) applies, do not apply
§ 3A1.1(b).” In other words, the Commission resolved in
favor of the Fourth Circuit’s reading, effectively overruling
the contrary holdings in the Fifth and Ninth Circuits. To be
sure, the other age-related enhancements still apply. (See
USSG § 2G2.1(b)(1) (adding four levels if victim under age
12, two years if between ages 12 and 16); USSG § 2G2.2(b)
(2) (adding two levels if victim under age 12).
Distribution now requires knowing engagement.
Motivating this amendment was the Commission’s finding that
“[t]he circuits have reached different conclusions regarding
the mental state required for application of the 2-level
enhancement for ‘generic’ distribution as compared to the
5-level enhancement for distribution not for pecuniary gain.
The circuit conflicts involving these two enhancements have
arisen frequently, although not exclusively, in cases involving
the use of peer-to-peer file-sharing programs or networks.”
(2016 Amendments, supra, at 14.) And such peer-to-peer filesharing
programs or networks are not as uniform in their
operation as one might think.
According to the Commission, “[t]he Fifth, Tenth, and
Eleventh Circuits have held that the 2-level distribution
enhancement applies if the defendant used a file-sharing
program, regardless of whether the defendant did so
purposefully, knowingly, or negligently.” (Id. at 15 (citing
United States v. Baker, 742 F.3d 618, 621 (5th Cir. 2014);
United States v. Ray, 704 F.3d 1307, 1312 (10th Cir. 2013);
United States v. Creel, 783 F.3d 1357, 1360 (11th Cir. 2015)).)
In contrast, “[t]he Second, Fourth, and Seventh Circuits have
held that the 2-level distribution enhancement requires a
showing that the defendant knew of the file-sharing properties
of the program.” (Id. (citing United States v. Baldwin, 743
F.3d 357, 361 (2d Cir. 2015); United States v. Layton, 564
F.3d 330, 335 (4th Cir. 2009); United States v. Robinson, 714
F.3d 466, 468 (7th Cir. 2013)).)
The Commission adopted the approach of the Second,
Fourth, and Seventh Circuits so that now, in order for the
distribution enhancement to apply, there must be a showing
that “the defendant knowingly engaged in distribution.” (Id.)
The distribution enhancements at USSG sections 2G2.1(b)(3)
and 2G2.2(b)(3)(F) now require that the defendant “knowingly
engaged in distribution” (emphasis added).
While the Commission did not address it in its reasons
for the amendments, this resolution in favor of knowing
engagement also is consistent with the manner in which peerto-
peer software platforms operate—all are not equal and
their actual operation sometimes can be overlooked even by
experts. For example, in United States v. Vallejos, 742 F.3d
902, 908 (9th Cir. 2014), the Ninth Circuit held that “the
knowing use of a file-sharing program to download child
pornography involves not merely the receipt of illicit material,
but also the reciprocal distribution of it.” Accordingly “a twolevel
distribution enhancement under U.S.S.G. § 2G2.2(b)
(3)(F) [is warranted where a defendant] used a file-sharing
program to download child pornography that, whether
knowingly or unknowingly, allowed others access to those
files.” (Id. (emphasis added).) In Vallejos, the relevant filesharing
program was LimeWire, which is materially different
in its operation than, say, BitTorrent, another popular filesharing
BitTorrent, however and unlike LimeWire, does not
distribute files, but rather only file segments, and only
simultaneously with the actual download. As one district
court judge has observed:
Mere possession of child pornography on a computer
on which a P2P [peer-to-peer] application has been
installed, or even using a P2P application to download
child pornography, is not enough. Although a defendant
may have used a P2P application to download the
pornographic files, it does not always follow that he
made those files available for upload to other users.
Indeed, not all P2P applications operate in the same
fashion. Some applications, for instance, LimeWire,
allow users to select not only what folders they want
to make available for uploading, but also permit users
to restrict the universe of files they are willing to make
available for upload to certain types of file extensions
(e.g., a user can share the folder “Pics,” but only allow
harmless .GIF and .JPG image files to be uploaded from
the folder—not movie files involving child pornography
which have different extensions such as .MOV or .AVI . . . Other P2P applications, such as . . . BitTorrent,
actually begin uploading a file as soon as a user starts
downloading it from someone else—even before the
download is complete. In short, the specific type of P2P
application installed on a defendant’s computer, and
what settings are in place within that P2P application,
are critical to the determination of whether a defendant’s
Guideline sentence should be enhanced pursuant to
§ 2G2.2(b)(3)(F).
(United States v. Handy, No. 6:08-cr-180-Orl-31DAB, 2009
U.S. Dist. LEXIS 6471, at *5–8 (M.D. Fla. Jan. 21, 2009)
(emphasis added) (footnote omitted) (citations omitted).)
Thus, not only does the amendment resolve a circuit split,
but it also serendipitously resolves an epistemic problem that
otherwise has not been fully addressed by the circuits, namely,
the many different and complicated ways in which peer-topeer
file-sharing software functions—which often is above
the ken not only of laypersons, but experts too.
Conditions of probation and supervised release
Finally, following up on its multiyear review of probation and
supervised release, and in light of successful legal challenges
to various standard terms of probation and supervised release
that “are vaguely worded, pose constitutional concerns, or
have been categorized as ‘standard’ conditions in a manner
that has led to their improper imposition upon particular
offenders,” the Commission made several substantive
changes to the standard conditions and “special” conditions
of probation (USSG § 5B1.3) and supervised release (USSG
§ 5D1.3). (See 2016 Amendments, supra, at 43.)
Some of the more pertinent changes are as follows:
The condition to remain in the judicial district now carries
a scienter requirement and reads: “The defendant shall not
knowingly leave the federal judicial district where he or she is
authorized to reside without first getting permission from the
court or the probation officer.” (2016 Amendments, supra, at
35, 40 (revised USSG §§ 5B1.3(c)(3), 5D1.3(c)(3) (emphasis
added)).) The Commission found that this condition in its
current iteration could be unfairly applied to defendants who
unknowingly move between districts. (See id. at 44–45.)
The condition that defendants “answer truthfully all
inquiries by the probation officer and follow the instructions
of the probation officer” is split into separate requirements
to answer truthfully and follow instructions. (Id. at 35–36,
40–41 (revised USSG §§ 5B1.3(c)(4), (13); 5D1.3(c)(4),
(13)).) Most pertinently, however, the Commission now has
added commentary that if the defendant exercises his or her
Fifth Amendment right to remain silent when questioned by
a probation officer, that exercising of his or her constitutional
right to remain silent cannot be said to be a violation of
the condition to answer truthfully. (See id. at 37, 42.) These
changes addressed such concerns set forth in United States v.
Kappes, 782 F.3d 828, 848 (7th Cir. 2015), and United States
v. Saechao, 418 F.3d 1073, 1081 (9th Cir. 2005).
Great article!