US Sentencing Commission 2024 Amendments

Sentencing Stats’ co-founder Mark Allenbaugh and advisor Doug Passon analysis the forthcoming 2024 US Sentencing Commission Amendments

-Proposed amendment to reclassify classic “departures” into a generic category;
-Proposed amendment to deal with “intended loss” issue in fraud cases;
-The possible death of “Chevron Deference” and what that could mean for the guidelines (spoiler alert – it will render all commentary meaningless);
-Remembering the “rule of lenity”;
-Proposed changes to “youthful offender” criminal history provision;
-Following up on “acquitted conduct”;
-A really cool discussion about Booker and how the guidelines should (and must) interplay with 18 USC 3553;
-The only true fix to render the guidelines constitution is to implement “charge offense sentencing”;
-Revisiting the proposed amendment to criterion 10 of the Zero Point Offender guideline.

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