SentencingStats founder Mark Allenbaugh talks Amendment 821 / Zero Point Offender with Forbes Magazine

The article discusses recent Amendment 821 amendments to the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines that have the potential to reduce prison terms for thousands of inmates (Part A and Part B). The U.S. Sentencing Commission passed these amendments, addressing sentencing disparities in criminal history, including cases with no criminal history points.

The amendments go into effect in November 2023, with two of them being retroactive to qualifying individuals currently in prison from February 1, 2024. The Zero Point Offender amendment, in particular, has garnered attention, as it can lead to significant sentence reductions for individuals with zero criminal history points.

However, obtaining the reduction requires filing a motion and convincing the judge of its merit. The article also mentions a tool developed by Sentencing Stats to assess eligibility for the reduction. It cautions against potential fraud and emphasizes the importance of legal guidance throughout the process. The article concludes by highlighting the potential benefits for those with longer sentences who were sentenced within the guidelines, as they may receive the most significant time reductions. Read the full article on

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